When it’s Not Just “A Matter of Opinion”…

I sincerely believe that many issues can be debated in a mindful and nuanced way, and that many topics are multidimensional and complex in that there truly is no one simple solution that can be solved by one side or the other 100%. I also argue that it’s wrong and misguided to demonize people over an opposing view, disregarding how they got to their opinion and what motivated them to feel as they do. The vast majority of issues are not all black and white, even ones people are strongly polarized over and strongly feel theirs is the only moral opinion. There are always mitigating circumstances, unique cases, exceptions to rules, gray areas to be seen etc… that make each issue very much a case by case basis. There is room for open mindedness and still staying strong in your own convictions. The two are not mutually exclusive! It is possible to hear the other side out, while sticking to your guns, so to speak. It is also not a weakness to change your opinion, or modify it in light of new information. I have done that over my journey too…

However, that said, I do also feel that certain issues are more ethically and morally salient than others, and therefore, must be more strongly debated. Yes, some issues cannot simply be written off as “Let’s agree to disagree”. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to make an arch enemy out of your friends, family, classmates, coworkers, etc… who hold the opposing view, but I’m talking on a societal level and a policy-making level. It is true one cannot easily “legislate morality”, but our laws reflect the moral code we embrace as a society. Not stealing. Not murdering. Not cheating people. Yes, I also realize there is a fine line between “public safety” and “nanny state”. We do need autonomy and individual choice in society as well. Society serves us, and while we must work together to keep it running smoothly, we’re not its slaves. However, without morality, there is social anarchy. As for the things we really can’t legislate per se, our de facto rules and attitudes in society can do just as much or even more harm than what is written into our laws and policies. After all, society really doesn’t change until we agree it should, no matter what any law says.

If you were to ask me about one area I’d advocate taking a more firm stance on in terms of fighting harder to get my way, I’d say it would be in matters of safety and risk of lasting harm. It’s one thing to argue the subtle nuances of fairness, what’s fair or not, and that’s important too. But there is more moral wiggle room. When policies and attitudes harm people, a clear line is drawn. We’ve all heard the phrase “Your rights end where another’s begins…” 🙂 When real harm is done, physically, and yes, emotionally in certain cases, or real danger is present, then yes, the debate just got more high stakes. So to me at least, while I can and will listen openly to other arguments for why something may not be so high stakes and such a big deal, I will speak out to stop policies and ideologies that are doing real and lasting harm. It’s not just “a matter of opinion” when:

Illegals and refugees are bringing in crime and 3rd world values of oppression and inequality and case after case of murder victims murdered by an illegal.

Biological men can go into a bathroom or locker room with women and girls under the guise of being transgender putting them at risk for sexual assaults.

Children aren’t safe in school from the thugs bused in from the rough neighborhoods to support some social agenda or when no one is safe in their once safe neighborhood due to policies bringing in thugs and a culture of crime.

A generation is raised in broken families, where live in boyfriend replaced dad, and mom resents the kids from her marriage with her ex. Where children are now primed for an increased chance of mental illness, depression, and risky behaviors.

Parents feel entitled to make decisions “consequence free” that will do deep and lasting harm to their children emotionally, scarring them for life for the sake of an adult’s convenience or happiness, over a child’s need for stability and love.

A society where young women are told that they need to be promiscuous to be empowered, risking STD’s, sexual assault, and a damaged self-image/esteem leading to vulnerability and abuse.

The attitude of it’s “blaming the victim” to tell young women how to empower themselves to decrease their risk for assault creates a false sense of security and opens them up to fall right into the predator’s trap.

The men in our lives can be accused and have their lives destroyed on a whim by #MeToo witch hunts with no other evidence than a Y chromosome and a stereotype.

Our country is defended by a weaker less able military in the name of “gender equality”.

A human life is considered an inconvenience easily disposed of and honoring its human rights is a “choice”.

Anti-Gun policies enable the mass shooter bent on destruction of human life to come in to your child’s school and shoot without hindrance or the shooter at the movie theater, or the mall, at work, or anywhere you go since no one is armed but him!

Terrorism reins free here and abroad, creating a world of distrust, suspicion, and obviously, lost lives and property. A world where going for a vacation is your last choice on this Earth, going to work and never coming home, going on a trip to see a beautiful attraction in a country just like our own is now too dangerous, a car veering off the road is more than just an accident, an unknown package requires the bomb squad, etc… etc…

A country that turns a blind eye to crime rates by demographic, calls for abolishing border protection, schools that cover up instances of sexual assault due to transgender policies from the parents of the victims, news reports that don’t give the description of a wanted suspect due to race or other minority status etc… etc…

Science and academia is suppressed from publishing research studies that conflict with the party line that would help people suffering and provide better solutions to many social issues.

A country where starving citizens, homeless veterans, needy children and families, hardworking people who just need that extra leg up, are brushed aside for outsiders or fellow citizens able to support themselves coming to take our resources for themselves without giving back. The detrimental effects are real: Homelessness, hunger, poor health, etc…

The media reports false information to support an agenda that takes our focus off the real dangers to look out for and be aware of.

And so many others. These are all tangible dangers that affect our society greatly, due to societal attitudes and policies. Our policies enable these injustices to go on and endanger ourselves, our family, our friends and our fellow citizens. So do our de facto attitudes that pressure people to turn a blind eye and just shut up. Well, someone has to speak up, and it needs to be all of us together. Someone to advocate for our families, our communities, our country. Someone to say, NO, it’s NOT up for debate when people’s lives are literally on the line. Someone to say that a person’s right to safety and freedom from harm matters more than any agenda or social experiment. Someone who is brave enough to say:

The safety of our families, communities, and country is NOT “a matter of opinion”!!!

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  1. That was a good read. You make a lot of great points. I hope that more people wake up and see what’s going on around them because the leftists are ruining the very framework of this country in general, and our communities in particular.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really great article. If you say something against the ideology of the left they go off but heaven forbid we get even the slightest bit offended by something the left say and we are called racist and bigots. What do they say “Let’s agree to disagree.” but if we say it they tell us we can not back up our arguments and call us losers. I say we stop being so nice on many of the issues you mentioned here. Screenshot everything and be ready to back it up until they give up.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Excellent post, and I’m a firm believer in absolute objective truth, as opposed to subjective truth. The harm that comes to a society when objective truth is no longer valued is brilliantly shown by what happened in Athens when Socrates was put to death. Sophism is the idea that clever reasoning, no matter how flawed, can win any argument, no matter what the truth is. It destroyed Athens, and it is destroying America today. https://larouchepub.com/other/2003/sci-techs/3035sophism.html

    In early America, the Founders were all Christian, despite the media and school’s portraying them as Masons, Deists, atheists, slave owners (the majority opposed slavery), and other bad things. Anything they can do to separate us from our Christian heritage makes it easier for them to enslave us with their globalist hell. Christianity says ‘prove all things, hold fast to that which is true’. Simply look at the great scientists. Bacon, Descartes, Newton, Kepler, Pasteur, Galileo, Copernicus. All were Christian and it was their pursuit of truth, despite the occasional persecution of the Catholic truth, that led to brilliant inventions and insights for humanity. https://wallbuilders.com/founding-fathers-jesus-christianity-bible/

    I agree with Teddy Roosevelt. ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’. Don’t start off aggressive, but if a liberal attacks in public, ensure the truth prevails. Solomon advised, ‘A rod for the back of a fool’, and the liberals have been crying out for public humiliation for many years. Frightened conservatives think it’s good to stay quiet and let the left trample all over us. It will only get worse with that attitude. Just like a child will yell, scream, and pitch a fit until they are disciplined, so with liberals. They are grown children. God bless the conservative women, like you, Lady of Reason, but this is a job that conservative men need to step up and do. Too many conservative men have backseat drivers in the liberal wives that share their beds. And this emasculates them. Very sad.

    It is not humility and meekness to let people who have no idea about what the truth is, scream, yell, and hysterically shout their nonsense in the public square. That is cowardice. They need to be confronted, gently at first, but firmly. I did this at my City Council meeting a year ago, and now the liberals have vacated it, and I’m in Vallejo, right outside of San Francisco. We need more conservatives who will attend every single city council and school board meeting in their cities, and speak out on every single liberal proposal or idea. Filibuster them. They hate to be made uncomfortable. Speak the truth, and take up their time. They don’t complain about their liberal media and schools lying to them all the time and they like that, so they need to learn to like having the truth told to them to their faces.

    Every single point you mentioned has it’s roots in America leaving it’s virtuous, Christian heritage, and taking sex outside of marriage.

    ‘Illegals and refugees are bringing in crime and 3rd world values of oppression and inequality and case after case of murder victims murdered by an illegal.’

    A horrible travesty. Not one belongs here. However, American women have been practicing birth control and abortion for the past 54 years, and it has wiped out at least 200 million Americans. If we had these Americans, we’d have the necessary hands to do the jobs these illegals are being brought here to do. The entire purpose of the sex drive is for marriage and children. Our entire nation knew this in 1940. Then the Kinsey Report came along in 1948, and blew the doors off of traditional morality.

    ‘Biological men can go into a bathroom or locker room with women and girls under the guise of being transgender putting them at risk for sexual assaults.’
    This is a result of porn being legalized in 1969, by a rogue SCOTUS. This has caused astronomical increases in homosexuality and transgenderism. The vast majority of homosexuals have 1 of 3 factors present. 1) no father figure, or a poor father figure raised them. 2) molested as children 3) Porn use that escalated. As porn use has massively increased, so has homosexuality.

    ‘Children aren’t safe in school from the thugs bused in from the rough neighborhoods to support some social agenda or when no one is safe in their once safe neighborhood due to policies bringing in thugs and a culture of crime.’

    This is due to sex outside of marriage. 39% of kids, up from 3% in 1947, are born out of wedlock. These children, particularly the males, are much more likely to be aggressive, perform poorly in school, and get into crime and poverty after school.

    ‘A generation is raised in broken families, where live in boyfriend replaced dad, and mom resents the kids from her marriage with her ex. Where children are now primed for an increased chance of mental illness, depression, and risky behaviors.’


    ‘Parents feel entitled to make decisions “consequence free” that will do deep and lasting harm to their children emotionally, scarring them for life for the sake of an adult’s convenience or happiness, over a child’s need for stability and love.’

    Yes, very true.

    ‘A society where young women are told that they need to be promiscuous to be empowered, risking STD’s, sexual assault, and a damaged self-image/esteem leading to vulnerability and abuse.’

    Goes right along with the premise, that sex outside of marriage is the root of all our ills.

    I won’t belabor the point, but if anyone wants clarification on how the remaining problems are rooted in sex outside of marriage, including porn and masturbation, I’d be happy to provide the links.

    Great post, as usual, Lady of Reason. You do so very well. America needs more brave, virtuous, and wise women like you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. You have well illustrated the divide that we have in this country. The examples that you give are items that one wouldn’t think would be matters of controversy but are deeply controversial in blue states. Which reminds one of George Orwell’s comment that some ideas are so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them. Two of your examples, immigration and gun control, show how great is the divide between left and right . Despite the damage illegal immigration does, several cities have decided to be “sanctuary cities,” something incomprehensible in the more sensible red state world. On the other hand, several counties are setting themselves up as sanctuaries from the draconian and absurd gun control measures blue state legislatures have foisted.

    I suspect that the rift between leftist absurdity and reasonableness will only widen in the foreseeable future. Perhaps the “sanctuary” form of nullification might be the best solution resulting in much less central government and moving more power to localities and, best of all, to individuals. That way, those who wish to be foolish would be free to do so but would not be able to impose their nonsense on others nor would they be able to require others to bail them out when the consequences of their foolishness becomes apparent. For example, if someone wanted to have children without first getting married, that’s fine but don’t expect anyone to help support them. And, when those fatherless kids turn into thugs, don’t expect society to tolerate their criminal behavior. Cities might find that being an “immigration sanctuary” is less desirable when they can’t rely on federal or state governments to help support their illegal guests or help those sanctuaries cope with the crime and other problems that the illegals bring with them. When we stop subsidizing bad choices, perhaps we’ll see less irresponsible behavior.

    Freedom means that one must take responsibility for the consequences of one’s choices..

    Liked by 3 people

  5. A good improvement is that when a politician or judge doesn’t happen to beleive in a part of the constitution they should have a panel look at of that is valid in that case.

    Otherwise remove them from office. Too many politicians and judges don’t believe in the Constitution for all citizens and cases they are reverting to a medieval sense of rights for some but not for all, and only as given to you by your lords.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. One of the things I started saying, many many years ago (suddenly, I feel old!) was “there is no such thing as black and white. Only shades of grey.”

    Which I still believe to be true, but at the same time, one MUST choose a black and white position on some things. In some cases, it is the very shades of grey that demand taking a black and white position. For example, there may be many legitimate reasons to kill, but there is a reason we have degrees of murder defined in our criminal codes. Killing in self defense is a shade of grey, but first degree murder is black and white. There is that line where we, as a society, have to determine when the shades of grey must cease to be allowed as exceptions or excuses, and the black and white must be held to.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I love this point:

    “A generation is raised in broken families, where live in boyfriend replaced dad, and mom resents the kids from her marriage with her ex. Where children are now primed for an increased chance of mental illness, depression, and risky behaviors.”

    IMO, this is the source of the problem. Society is a mere microcosm of what is going on inside the home. The problems radiate outwards.

    Liked by 4 people

    • You will also notice that only in cases when they have silenced opposition in academic through loss of research funding, loss of tenure etc. So they can get away with saying a scientific consensus says, will they even use that line.

      They never open up science in abortion, how to stop sex diseases or many other topics because they don’t want to prove a baby is alive and fully human. Or that random sex leads to disease and coupling up is the most effective method to cut down on that

      Liked by 3 people

  8. You’re so fair and balanced you should be Hannity’s side-kick! These liberal loony-toons can’t see a forest for the tree they’re hugging at the time! lol!
    I remember back in the ’70’s when feminism meant equal opportunity, birth-control so we could avoid abortion, and cops coming to school and telling us ways to avoid putting ourselves in a bad situation.
    Now we have righteousness redefined by the rantings of the despicable liberals crying to impeach a president just because the dislike and disagree with them, slaughtering the babies of America like Herod and Ramses, throwing a good man nominated for the supreme court under a train for groping a girl at a party when he was 17…etc…and so on…accusing all white people of racism if we’re not boot-licking and apologizing for slavery at every turn.
    Anybody catch the rantings on Fox of Sharpton the black klansman?
    Do we have to continually apologize how many times over for atrocities committed by our race and gender even when we haven’t done a bloody thing?
    We can admit to the wrongs of the past but we have a responsibility to teach these deranged demonicratz not to act in kind!
    It’s a sickening thing to be born at a time when segregation was still a “thing!” I was appalled when I was old enough to find out and I didn’t know and had to find out because where I was from and how I was raised it was NOT a thing!

    Liked by 5 people

  9. Well, gosh, Lady, you’ve pretty well covered all the bases of how the left is trying to ruin this, the greatest nation on the face of this planet.
    My thoughts on all this nonsense is that a major return to the founding principles contained in the founding documents of this nation would go a long way to settling all the stuff that is being thrown at us by the left. No mincing nor parsing of words and redefining what it all means, just refer to the Constitution and see if it is covered. If not, its toast. If it is, its golden.
    I do believe in the admonishment of that phrase, “your rights end where my rights begin”. And, I will defend my rights with appropriate means at my disposal as guaranteed by the Constitution.
    Guaranteed. I’m too old to put up with nonsense from the idiots of the left.
    Thanks, Lady, always enjoy reading your musings. Keep ’em coming.

    Liked by 3 people

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